Mindful Relaxation Practices for Labor, Delivery & Beyond

Facilitator: Kathy Garcia Egan, LCSW
Phone: (818) 240-5434


To learn skills that will complement and enhance your Preparation for Childbirth knowledge in this Workshop that focuses on learning to
deeply relax between contractions. Connect with your baby and nurture yourself using techniques of Mindful Relaxation and Self Compassion. Use these skills in the practice of Mindful Parenting as your journey continues!


  1. Introductions, with sharing about your pregnancy journey thus far.
  2. The basics of the neurobiology involved in anxiety and fear, and the utility of using our breath to mitigate the negative effects of fear and anxiety.
  3. Three basic practices, that build upon each other:
    1. WATCHING the breath
    2. VISUALIZING comforting color to enhance a sense of well being, to bring “the good” into the experience. Adding a warm component of Self Compassion to the process
    3. CREATING a safe place of retreat you will carry into labor through a guided meditation.
  4. Creating a personal collage of your Safe Place, to take with you as a Touchstone as you prepare for labor and as a tool to use during labor.
  5. Discussion, questions, mutual support as our time together comes to a close.